Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Nooo! Not another blog!

This new blog is my attempt at some housecleaning.

Readers of The Column, Reloaded can expect to get news of all kinds -- the mainstream, the sublime, the ridiculous, the geeky -- with a healthy dose of commentary on all of the above.

Somehow, though, some articles of a more technical nature has been finding its way into the blog. While there is a value for that material, it is oddly out of place there. It doesn't really fit the equation.

But, as I said, there is value in the tech stuff, so in a moment of madness I created this, the sister blog. Welcome to The Workbench, Reloaded.

It probably won't hurt for me to explain where I'm coming from here. I like computers. I'm good with them, and they're a great tool for my work. But the computer doesn't do my work for me, nor does it run my life. Really.

My home computer is not state of the art. It's an oldie -- a Compaq Deskpro with Intel guts. The little sticker on the front says it's "designed for Windows 2000 Professional." Ugh. I don't have Windows 2000 on it, or any other Windows. By choice it's a Linux system, designed and tweaked to run on minimal hardware. Partly because I'm cheap, and partly because I can make it work.

If you want reviews on the latest whiz-bang Windows system or application, you're not going to find it here. But if you want to get ideas on how to get maximum performance out of minimal equipment, this is a good place.

(An exception: Soon you'll find my take on the brand-spanking-new Firefox 3.0 web browser. My software is not heavyweight, but it's not dated either.

Here you'll read of some tips and tweaks (some Linux, some not), the occasional review, and the "How I Dunnit" feature, which has some of my favorite "hacks" as I find them.

You'll also find occasional forays into Web security ... in fact the first "real" article (which recently ran in The Column, Reloaded) will be reprinted here.

Have fun ... just remember to step away from the computer occasionally.

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